NHC Identifies Area With Low Chance For Tropical Development

Florida face a threat of flooding rain the next few days, but the chance of tropical development is low.
NHC Identifies Area With Low Chance For Tropical Developmentstory-preview

Florida's Record Heat Is Just The Beginning

Florida had its hottest May on record. What does the rest of the summer look like?
Florida's Record Heat Is Just The Beginning story-preview

Combo Flu-COVID Shot Moves Closer To Reality

You could soon have a new option when it comes to fighting off the flu and COVID. The drug company Moderna just released new data on its combo vaccine that’s in the final stages of a clinical trial. Watch the video to see how soon it could be available and why the company says it will not only save you the pain of two injections, it will also work better.
Combo Flu-COVID Shot Moves Closer To Realitystory-preview

Teton Pass Landslide Forcing Drivers To Make 2-Hour Detour

A huge chunk of a twisting mountain highway in Wyoming is gone after a massive landslide, but the jaw-dropping video of the aftermath only begins to tell the story of the traffic nightmare for people in two states.
Teton Pass Landslide Forcing Drivers To Make 2-Hour Detourstory-preview