First Of Two Winter Storms To Coat Northeast In Ice, Snow

Winter Storm Freya will mark its final day in the Northeast Thursday with snow, ice and gusty winds in cities like Boston, Syracuse, Burlington, and Bangor. Snow totals will remain low, but power outages are possible in areas that receive ice and stronger gusts. Widespread power outages are possible in areas under an ice storm warning. Here is your forecast.
First Of Two Winter Storms To Coat Northeast In Ice, Snowstory-preview

Timing And Details For Double Midwest, NE Winter Storms

An active weather pattern is delivering back-to-back winter storms through the weekend. Here's what to expect.
Timing And Details For Double Midwest, NE Winter Stormsstory-preview

Why Winter Storms Repeat This Time Of Year

This time of the year can bring winter storm after winter storm over the same areas of the Central and Eastern US. The upcoming pattern suggests that this may be the case this year through Valentine’s Day. Patterns can become more sticky this time of the year as cold air is at its peak across the country. Without a big storm in the Pacific or change in pattern to the West, the East can see several winter storms in a row.
Why Winter Storms Repeat This Time Of Yearstory-preview

Action Video: Mudslide Sends House Crashing Into CA River

Heavy rain is pounding Northern California and it triggered a huge mudslide that sent a home sliding into the Russian River in the town of Forestville. Watch this video to see the stunning aftermath and learn what’s behind all the rain.
Action Video: Mudslide Sends House Crashing Into CA Riverstory-preview

Terrifying Hailstorm Sends Shoppers Running For Cover

A peaceful Sunday grocery run in Bahía Blanca, Argentina turned into a heart-pounding scramble for safety as a violent hailstorm tore through a supermarket roof. Shoppers ducked and ran as massive chunks of ice crashed inside, flooding the aisles and leaving gaping holes overhead.
Terrifying Hailstorm Sends Shoppers Running For Coverstory-preview