The All-Time Record Cold Low Temperatures In All 50 States

It's a rare feat to approach these all-time cold benchmarks. See how frigid your state has been in U.S. weather records.
The All-Time Record Cold Low Temperatures In All 50 Statesstory-preview

Boston Tunnel Floods Amid Windswept Rain, Pump Failure

Imagine you’re driving through one of Boston’s many tunnels during a rainstorm, when you come across deep, standing water. Take a look at this video.
Boston Tunnel Floods Amid Windswept Rain, Pump Failurestory-preview

Observatory Staff 'Surf' Ice Waves

Weather observers at Mount Washington’s summit took advantage of a rime ice wave that formed on the observation tower.
Observatory Staff 'Surf' Ice Wavesstory-preview

Should You Lift Your Wipers Before A Snowfall?

It’s a subject of great debate: To lift the windshield wipers when it snows or freezes, or leave them be. Here’s what the experts say.
Should You Lift Your Wipers Before A Snowfall? story-preview

‘Reverse’ Waterfalls On Ireland's Cliffs Of Moher

It’s not an optical illusion. A storm turned waterfalls upside down on Ireland’s famous Cliffs of Moher. Storm Darragh also caused damage and left hundreds of thousands without power in parts of the UK and Ireland.
‘Reverse’ Waterfalls On Ireland's Cliffs Of Moherstory-preview