Data Glossary

Last updated on June 15, 2021
Want explanations of the terms found in your Portable Copy of Data report? Simply look up each term alphabetically below. Please note that your Portable Copy of Data report may not contain all of the terms below – your report only has the terms associated with your data.


addr -
A unique address associated with a specific Weather Underground app installation; it enables alerts and notifications intended for a given user to be sent to that user's app.
address -
The token (either FCM, for Android or APNS, for Apple) that serves as a device's "address" for receiving push notifications.
AdId -
The Advertising ID is a unique but user-resettable identifier that lets advertsing networks and other apps identify a user's device.
Advertising -
Indicates if a user consented to having their advertising identifier shared for the purposes of personalized advertising.
Altitude -
The accuracy of a user's device at measuring altitude (elevation from sea level), which is measured when location information is captured.
assetId -
An unique identifier for a specific piece of weather equipment, or asset, owned by a Weather Underground user, such as as weather webcam, a Personal Weather Station or a personal air quality station.
assetType -
A type of weather equipment, or asset, owned by a Weather Underground user; examples of asset types include weather webcams, personal weather stations and air quality stations.
autoplayClicked -
Indicates if a user clicked on a video while it was autoplaying. An app video may play automatically if autoplay is enabled in the app settings. When a video begins autoplaying, sound is muted by default; this may prompt a user to click on the video to turn on the sound. Or a user may click on a video to start/stop play. A value of "true" indicates a user clicked on the video; "false" indicates a user did not click on the video.
autoPlaySeconds -
Also referred to as autoPlaySecs. The length of time an app video plays automatically (autoplay), before a user clicks on the video. Certain app videos autoplay when that feature has been enabled in a user's app settings.
autoPlaySecs -
Also referred to as autoPlaySeconds. The length of time an app video plays automatically (autoplay), before a user clicks on the video. Certain app videos autoplay when that feature has been enabled in a user's app settings.


Background -
Indicates if the Weather Underground app was in an inactive state (background) when the device's location was accessed by the app; accessing the device's location enables Weather Underground to send important severe weather alerts to the user at any time. A value of true means the app was inactive, or in the background, at the time location data was collected, while false means the app was running in the foreground.
body -
Refers to the body copy of a notification a user received; e.g., "Here's you latest summer outlook."


campaignId -
An ID, or identifier, for a marketing or promotional campaign.
cardIndex -
A card is a section of app content that is displayed in a square, card-shaped container; for example, in The Weather Channel app, the hourly forecast is in a card, the daily forecast is in a separate card, etc. The card index indicates the order the cards appear on the homescreen; for example, "0" would be the top-most card.
carrierNetworkClass -
Shows the wireless network technology that the device is using - for example, 4G, 3G, LTE.
chan -
Indicates whether app alerts and notifications are being sent via the iOs, Android or Amazon messaging systems, which corresponds with the user's device platform.
completed -
Indicates whether a user watched a video to the end/completion.
Consent -
This field shows the Advertising and Location consent choices made by the user while using the app
contentSeconds -
Same as content Secs. The length of a video in seconds. For Apple devices, if a user closes out of a video while ads are playing, before the video itself plays, the value will "0."
contentSecs -
Same as content Seconds. The length of a video in seconds. For Apple devices, if a user closes out of a video while ads are playing, before the video itself plays, the value will "0."
country -
The name of the country associated with the IP address of the user. Note: for some IP addresses, the country may not appear.
created_timestamp -
The time that a user's Premium account was created.
creationDate -
The date that an app's User ID was created - or the date a User ID was reset. (A User ID identifies a unique user of the app.)
currency -
The currency used to purchase a Premium subscription.


Datetime -
The moment when an event, or action, occurred.
deeplinkUrl -
When a user receives a notification, there is typically a link to a landing page with more details about the notification. deeplinkUrl indicates the link for a notification landing page.
deviceCountry -
The country associated with a user's device as specified in the device settings.
deviceManufacturer -
The name of the manufacturer of a user's device.
deviceModel -
The device model number assigned to a device by the device manufacturer.
deviceTimeZone -
The number of seconds between the device's time zone and the Greenwich Mean Time zone.
deviceType -
The type of mobile device an app is installed on - for example, a smartphone or tablet.
displayedTitle -
The title of a video that was displayed to a user.
dmaCode -
DMA stands for "Designated Market Area" and it represents an area that has similar TV broadcasting offerings; it is one way of identifying a location a person lives in. dmaCode refers to the DMA of the weather location a user was viewing in the app. So, for example, if a person was viewing weather for Omaha, NE, the DMA value would be for the Omaha area.


email -
The email associated with a Premium account; this email is used to log in and to receive account communications.
enabled -
Indicates is a user has enabled the receipt of a particular push notification like, for example, real-time rain.
End session -
The time when a user closes the app or sends it to the background.
EndTime -
Indicates the time when a user's app session ended.
error -
An error that occurred when a user attempted to purchase a Premium subscription from The Weather Channel on the App Store or Google Play. The App Store and Google Play send a description of the user's purchase error to The Weather Channel.
EventData -
Data captured for a specific event, or action, that happens within the app.
Events -
Events, or actions, that occur while using the app. Events include actions such navigation within the app or interaction with specific features.
EventType -
Shows the classification of app events - or actions that happen while a user is using the app, such as navigation or interaction with app features.
experience -
The type of radar features, or radar experience, a user is receiving depending on whether the user has a free or paid account; users with paid Premium subscriptions receive enhanced radar features not available with the free app.
expirationDate -
The date a Premium subscription will expire.


features -
All of the features a user interacted with, or used, on The Weather Channel's radar map.
Foreground -
Indicates if the Weather Underground app was in an active state (foreground) when the device's location was accessed by the app; accessing the device's location enables Weather Underground to send important severe weather alerts to the user at any time. A value of true means the app was active, or in the foreground, at the time location data was collected, while false means the app was running in the background.


highlightedProductId -
The ID of the The Weather Channel's Premium subscription product that was highlighted on the app's purchase screen when the user was browsing products. This ID is used for promotional tracking purposes – to understand if a user selected a promoted product.
horizAccuracy -
The accuracy of a user's device at measuring distance.


ianaTimeZone -
The timezone a device is set to; IANA stands for Internet Assigned Numbers Authority.
influenced -
Indicates if a user opened the app within 30 minutes of viewing a notification and was, therefore, likely to have been "influenced" to open the app by the notification. A value of "true" indicates the user was influenced to by a notification; "false" indicates the user was not.
Ingest date and Ingestion -
Indicates when app data is received into the Weather Underground database.
initialCard -
In an app section (card) that promotes multiple products, this was the first/initial product that was presented to a user.
installDate -
The time that a user installed The Weather Channel app on the user's device.
Installid -
An identifier for an installation of the Weather Underground app. The App Installation ID is generated during the app install by the operating system. Updates of the app do not change the App Installation ID. However, an uninstall and reinstall will cause a new App Installation ID to be generated
interactedElements -
The ways a user interacted with the content of a page on The Weather Channel app in addition to viewing the page.
introPricing -
Indicates whether a user's Premium subscription had an introductory price.


language -
The language being used on a device.
Lastmodified -
The last time that a user made a change to the app's location and advertising preferences.
Lat/long -
Indicates the latitude and longitude of a device running the Weather Underground app. Lat/long is obtained using location-based services such as GPS. To change your latitude and longitude tracking, update your device's location settings.
launchSource -
What prompted a user to open, or launch, The Weather Channel app. An example of a launch source may be a app notification that prompted the user to open the app and check the forecast.
locale -
The language and country associated with a device, based on the user's settings.
localyticsCampaignId -
An ID for a marketing or promotional campaign that's tracked by an analytics system called Localytics.
Location -
Indicates if a user consented to the use of their device's GPS location for the purposes stated at the time of consent.
locId -
Stands for location identifier. A former way the app used to identify a user's location that did not use latitude and longitude (lat long).


metro -
The name of the metro area associated with the IP address of the user's viewed location.


networkCarrier -
Shows the user's wireless network provider.
networkType -
The wifi network technology type of a user's device - for example, a wifI router or a cellular network.
notificationType -
Indicates the origin of a notification a user received; notifications can originate locally as a result of actions a user takes on a user's device – or notifications can be sent (pushed) from a server, as in the case of a severe alert.


osPlatform -
Shows the operating system (OS) platform for a user's device - for example, iOS and Android.
osVersion -
Shows the operating system (OS) version for a user's device.


pageName -
The name of a page a user viewed while using the app.
physicalState -
The U.S. state where a user is located as determined by the user's device -- when a user has granted permission for location tracking. Location tracking allows more accurate forecasts. physicalState is "null" or is not applicable for users outside the U.S.
Places -
Weather locations that have been saved by the app. If there is no data for this, it is because the user did not have any Saved Locations.
Platform -
The platform for the device on which the app is installed - for example, iOS and Android.
platformDetails -
Indicates which platform was being used on The Weather Channel app or website when a user received an ad from Google Ad Manager. platformDetails values include: "mobile_smart" for our mobile website; "web_" for our regular website, "app_iphone_" for iPhone, "app_android_" for Android, "app_ipad_", for iPad.
playlist -
The name of a playlist, a group of similar videos compiled by an editor. Examples of playlist names include: "pl-eco-news" for Earth, "pl-coronavirus" for Coronavirus, "pl-latest-forecasts" for Latest Weather and "pl-the-latest" for Trending Today.
playMethod -
Indicates the way a video play was initiated. There are three ways video play is initiated (1) user-initiated, (2) autoplay and (3) autoplay of the next video in the playlist.
playSource -
Also known as videoStartMethod. Indicates what prompted a video to start playing. Examples include being the next video in the playlist (playlist next), being clicked on in a playlist (playlist click), a link from other content such as a notification (deep link), etc.
pos -
In a section of an app, known as a card, multiple videos may be available for viewing; pos indicates the position of a video (or button) among the videos displayed. For example, the first video is pos 0; the second video is pos 1; the third video is pos 2; a "See more" button is pos 3.
position -
The placement, or position, of an ad on a webpage of in an app screen.
premiumAutoRenewStatus -
Indicates if a Premium subscriber's account is set to auto-renew or not.
premiumExpirationDate -
The expiration date of a Premium subscription.
premiumProductId -
The unique Google Play or App Store ID for a Premium subscription product from The Weather Channel.
premiumStartDate -
The start date of a user's current Premium subscription purchase. Note: users may make several Premium subscription purchases; for example an annual subscription may be renewed one year, then the following year, etc.
Pressure -
The atmospheric pressure measured by your device, presented in millibars.
previousStatus -
When a Premium subscriber changes the subscription auto-renewal setting, previousStatus indicates what the user's prior auto-renewal status was. A value of "true" indicates a user's subscription was previously set to auto-renew; "false" indicates the subscription was not previously set to auto-renew.
previousValues/premium -
Indicates if a user was an active Premium subscriber prior to making a new Premium subscription transaction, such as renewing a subscription.
previousValues/premiumStartDate -
The start date of a user's prior Premium subscription purchase. Note: users may make several Premium subscription purchases; for example an annual subscription may be renewed one year, then the following year, etc.
product -
A type of alert a user has subscribed to, such as Breaking News, Follow Me Rain, Follow Me Severe.
productId -
The unique Google Play or App Store ID for a Premium subscription product from The Weather Channel.
property -
Indicates which of The Weather Channel digital properties was being used when a user received an ad from Google Ad Manager. property values for TWC include: eb_weather_, app_iphone_, app_android_, mobile_smart_etc.; property values for WU include _wu, _wxu, etc.
pushToken -
An ID associated with a specific app installed on a specific device. Push tokens are issued by Apple or Google/Android so that they can route notifications to a specific app-device combination; a push token functions like an address for receiving push notifications.


questionTitle -
The heading or label for a poll card displayed to a user; for example, "Your Opinion Counts."


receivedDate -
The date an app notification was received.
requestTrackingAuthorization -
A user with an iPhone operating system 14.5 and above is given the option to opt in or opt out of advertiser tracking by Apple; requestTrackingAuthorization indicates a user was shown Apple's prompt giving the user the option to opt in or out of tracking. A value of "true" means the user was shown the Apple prompt.
richContentUrl -
Notifications sent by The Weather Channel to a device may include rich content such as images. richContentUrl is the link to the rich content in the notification.


schedule.hours -
A user-defined time or time period during which certain notifications may be sent. For example, a user may wish to receive the Daily Rain Forecast at 6 am.
screenType -
In an app section (card) that promotes multiple products, this was the first/initial product that was presented to a user.
services data -
Shows the current Weather Underground app subscriptions a user has, such as weather alerts. If the user has no subscriptions, the field will be blank.
Session -
Indicates a period of time when the app was actively being used.
Session id -
An unique identifier assigned to an app user for the duration of the time, or session, that the user is actively using the app -- that is, from the time the app is launched until the time app is closed or goes into background mode.
signupDate -
The date a User ID was created -- or the date a userID was reset. The UserID is automatically created when the app is installed.
source -
A card is a section of app content that is displayed in a square, card-shaped container; for example, in The Weather Channel app, the hourly forecast is in a card, the daily forecast is in a separate card, etc. The card index indicates the order the cards appear on the homescreen; for example, "0" would be the top-most card.
Speed -
The physical speed in meters per second that a user's device is moving at the time location data is captured.
Start session -
The time when a user launches the app or brings the running app from the background to the foreground
startSession -
Indicates the time that a user launched an app session. The time is presented in a computer time format called Epoch, which is the number of milliseconds elapsed since 1970. To convert Epoch to standard time, search online for an "epoch time converter."
status -
Indicates whether a device has app notifications enabled or disabled.
subtitle -
The subtitle of a notification as is was displayed to a user.
system -
Indicates the notifications system that sent a notification.


tags -
A tag or descriptive term that is attached to a video; tags provide labels to indicate what the video's subject matter is. Examples of tags include: Clean Energy, Wonder.
target.Locality -
An identifier for a location selected for a notification. Users may choose the location they want to receive a notification for. This location is then assigned an ID or location type, depending on the notification. So, for example, for an Allergy notification, a PollenId associated with a pollen zone may be assigned for a user's location. The types of locations include: - Point = a latitude/longitude combination - Latitude = latitude - Longitude = longitude - PostalKey = zip code - CountryCode = country ID - TimeZone = the applicable time zone (EST, PST, GMT, etc) - DmaId = designated market area ID - CityId = a city ID - CountyId = a county ID - PollenId = a pollen zone ID - TideId = a tide zone ID - ZoneId = an ID for a defined geographic area - GeoHash = a form of latitude/longitude - AdminDistrictCode = the state code
teaserTitle -
The title of a video as it was displayed to a user.
timeInView -
The time in seconds a piece of content, or asset, was viewable on a user's screen. For example, it may indicate how many seconds an article or video was displayed before a user clicked away to view another piece of content.
title -
The title of a piece of content a user interacted with. The types of content that have titles include notifications (notification-asset-viewed), videos and articles, called "assets," (asset-viewed), opened articles (article-viewed).
transaction -
A heading for a category of data related to the purchase transaction for a Premium subscription.
transaction.product -
In a purchase transaction for a Premium subscription, this is the name of the specific type of Premium product the user has selected.
TWC UserID -
A randomly generated code used to indentify an installation of The Weather Channel app on a specific device. A User ID identifies a unique user of the app. It enables The Weather Channel to deliver content related to a user's expressed interests.
twcAlertType -
Refers to the kind of notification (subject matter) that a user received. Examples include real-time rain, breaking news, etc.
twcReleaseAppName -
Displays the release name of the currently installed The Weather Channel app.
twcReleaseAppVersion -
Displays the current version of The Weather Channel app installed on a user's device.
type -
The type of notification. Notifications may be "InApp," meaning the notification is a large screen message that appears in the app experience; notifications may also be "push" notices or alerts that originate outside of the app, such as a severe weather notification.


unit -
The user's chosen measurement standard used for a given weather condition; for example, Fahrenheit or Celsius for temperature.
User Ad id Key -
An identifier generated when advertising data is processed by a Weather Underground system. This identifier mixes of device- and ad-related identifiers to create a one unique identifier.
user_id -
A randomly generated unique identifier for an installation of The Weather Channel app on a user's device.
userCancelled -
In a purchase transaction for a Premium subscription, this indicates if a user cancelled the transaction. True means the transaction was cancelled; False means the transaction was not cancelled.
userEntitlements -
An iOS app usage permission that allows a user to install the Weather Underground app on all of the user's devices.
userFollowMeEnabled -
Indicates if a user has subscribed to Follow Me alerts.
userGpsEnabled -
This shows every time a user had GPS enabled during a session using the Weather Underground app -- and if the app had permission to access that information. This is checked every time an app is used.
userID -
A randomly generated code used to identify a Weather Underground app installation on a specific device. A User ID identifies a unique user of the app.
UserLocale -
The language and country to which a user's device is configured.
userRegistered -
Indicates if the user has created a registered profile; if this value is false then the user has NOT created a registered profile (the default setting).


variant -
Sometimes user tests are conducted to evaluate app features and content. The variant value shows which testing group a user was part of.
vertAccuracy -
The accuracy of a user's device at measuring vertical distance.
videoExitReason -
A description of the reason a user stopped playing a video. Values include: "user exited," "video completed,"
videoId -
A unique identifier of a video.
viewedCdcReport -
Indicates whether or not the user viewed the CDC flu count within the app's flu risk prediction tool. A value of "true" indicates the user viewed the CDC count; a value of "false" indicates the user did not view the count.
viewedDMA -
DMA stands for "Designated Market Area" and it represents an area that has similar TV broadcasting offerings; it is one way of identifying a location a person lives in. viewedDMA refers to the DMA of the weather location a user was viewing in the app. So, for example, if a person was viewing weather for Omaha, NE, the DMA value would be for the Omaha area.
viewedPreventionTips -
Indicates whether or not the user viewed the Flu Prevention Tips in the app's flu risk prediction tool. A value of "true" indicates the user viewed the Flu Prevention Tips; a value of "false" indicates the user did not view the tips.
viewPrivacyPolicy -
Indicates whether a user viewed The Weather Channel privacy policy. A value of "true" indicates the user viewed the privacy policy; "false" indicates the user did not view the policy.


watchedSeconds -
Also known as watched Secs, the number of seconds a video was viewed.
watchedSecs -
Also known as watched Seconds, the number of seconds a video was viewed.
widgets -
The currently installed widgets for The Weather Channel iOS app starting at version 12.0
Hidden Weather Icon Masks
Hidden Weather Icon Symbols